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Writer's pictureDr. C. S. Singh

Feminizing Genitoplasty

A 15 years old patient raised as a female presented to us with history of amenorrhea. On examination, patient’s genitalia was ambiguous, breast and pubic hair development correlated to Tanner’s stage 3 and bilaterally gonads were palpable in the inguinal region. Patient’s psychological gender identity was that of a female. Patient was investigated further and her Karyotype was found to be 46 XY suggesting that she was genetically a male. Her hormonal assay was suggestive of Testicular feminization syndrome (androgen insensitivity syndrome). As the patient was psychologically a female so it was decided to surgically correct the ambiguous genitalia to that of a female. Neurovascular bundle preserving feminizing genitoplasty with bilateral orchiectomy was done. The patient is presently on estrogen replacement therapy and doing well.

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