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1. Surgical anatomy of penis in exstrophy-epispadias: a study of arrangement of fascial    planes and superficial vessels of surgical significance.

Kureel SN, Gupta A, Singh CS, Kumar M.

Urology. 2013 Oct;82(4):910-6.



2. A novel skin management scheme in surgery of epispadias undergoing Cantwell-Ransley       repair: a technique to improve the aesthetics and minimize complications.

Kureel SN, Gupta A, Singh CS, Rawat J.

Urology. 2013 Dec;82(6):1400-4.



3. Tubularized parameatal based dartos-spongiosum flap urethroplasty in distal hypospadias    with flat glans, shallow meatal groove, and severe glans tilt.

Singh CS, Kunnur VS, Kunnur SV, Kunnur AKS.

Indian J Child Health. 2016; 3(4):339-343.



4. Comparison of clinical outcomes in patients with congenital anorectal malformation treated with posterior sagittal anorectoplasty and laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull through. 

Kunnur VS, Singh CS, Kunnur SV, Kunnur AKS.

Indian J Child Health. 2016;3(4):330-334.



5. Authored a chapter on “Current Status of Fetal Interventions” in the CME Book (Advances in Pediatric Surgical Practices) of First annual conference of UP-Uttarakhand chapter of Indian   association of pediatric surgeons, 2013.

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