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Rectal Injury.

Writer's picture: Dr. C. S. SinghDr. C. S. Singh

A four years old male child with full thickness rectal prolapse was wrongly treated by a local quack, where he excised the entire mass thinking it to be large rectal polyp. The child presented two days after the procedure with gross abdominal distention, peritonitis and septic shock. The child was immediately taken for exploratory laparotomy following resuscitation. Intraoperatively, entire peritoneal cavity was found to be filled with fecal matter, rectum was very friable with sigmoid colon pulled to the pelvis with no free loop available (probably excised). Dilator passed through the anus could be seen freely in the pelvic cavity suggestive of rectal injury. As the local tissues were highly friable and there was gross contamination of the peritoneal cavity, no primary repair was attempted, thorough peritoneal lavage was given and a loop ileostomy was made. Patient survived the procedure but hospital stay was prolonged as he had developed respiratory infection. Further course of treatment will be planned depending upon the status of the rectum (to be determined by lower GI contrast study) once the secondary healing is over.

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